ON/ICORS Kick-Starter Grant

A research grant will be awarded to a member of any of the ICORS associated societies for research that focuses on an innovative approach in regenerative orthopedics or that answers an important open question. The granted research project may include clinical, preclinical or in-vitro research. The ON Foundation proposes special research questions or areas of interest and the final topic needs to be agreed by ICORS.

                               Eligibility Criteria:              

    •Topic: Does the application fit into the given area of interest?
    •Innovation potential: Has the investigator courage to take risks and does he/she show thinking out of the box?
    •Sound hypothesis: Is the project unique and the hypothesis clear?
    •Research plan: Is the research protocol suited to answer the hypothesis?
    • Motivation and support: Is the investigator enthusiastic about doing the research project and is he supported by his/her mentor?
    •Candidates are members of one of the ICORS associated societies at the time of application and have not benefited from an ON research grant before.


Process for selection: Online application directly to ON Foundation
Topic: To be defined (announced at ICORS2022)
Number of grants: 1
Grant amount:  10,000 CHF
Timeline:  September 7-10, 2022, topic announcement at ICORS 2022    
Timeline:  December 20, 2022, end of review and notification
Reviewers:  All applications are reviewed by three reviewers; ICORS to provide at least one. Final number of reviewers might differ based on number of applications to keep the workload manageable.
Acknowledgements:   The ON/ICORS Kick-Starter Grant recipients will be acknowledged in the communications by ON and ICORS (newsletter, social media)



The International Combined Orthopaedic Research Societies (ICORS) serves as an alliance of societies to promote basic, translational, and clinical musculoskeletal research worldwide. The Combined Meeting was launched in 1992 and has convened every three years since On October 15, 2013, at the 8th Combined Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Societies hosted by the European Orthopaedic Research in Venice, Italy, a new alliance was formed; the International Combined Orthopaedic Research Societies. Nine organizations were selected and approved as the founding members; Australia/New Zealand ORS, British ORS, Canadian ORS, Chinese ORS, European ORS, Japanese Orthopaedic Association, Korean ORS, the Orthopaedic Research Society, and the Taiwanese ORS.


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ICORS 2022

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